Page Turner

Cards from Sefirot: The Spheres of Heaven Tarot by Eliot Baum, Georg Hobmeier, Viv Tanner, and James Patton of Causa Creations


Friday November 3, 2023, I drew the above from my Sefirot deck, and this spread in particular has shifted my awareness to the continuum of theme and application: every spread I’ve drawn so far seems to advance the narrative of its predecessors, building beautifully upon the emotional depth reflected in my journey (a given, perhaps, with the recurring suit of Cups, but of course that’s my point).

The Cards:

The Page of Cups echoes “powerful emotions” indeed, a servant of the vessel brimming with the whole spectrum of tumultuous feelings and sentiments in the human condition. The unpredictable ebb & flow between these extremes is especially evident. In my interpretation, this youthful novice or learner might be trying to wield the all-encompassing Ace of Cups itself as a chaotic Divine is channeled through them (perhaps feeling, at times, like Pippin of The Two Towers trying to use the palantír). Perhaps like any child, they are capable of a remarkable range of expression and creativity (which ties gracefully into the following Ace of Wands), but likewise unskilled in controlling and channeling that electrifying chaos. This card may be a hint to expect the unexpected.

The “creative potential” of the Ace of Wands calls creative forces into action. Anything is possible in this genesis, even the derivation of something from nothing. It is the drive of passion: a pure, authentic, creative energy.

The Nine of Swords can usher in “new beginnings” if a conscious choice is made to emerge from the void that we entered in the silence of the suit’s preceding Eight of Swords. Something that we learned of the true self in that liminal, introspective space returns with us to the world, where we may share it with others, a process that is necessary to be part of this world, rather than withdrawn from it. Conversely, we must respect that some knowledge is meant only for the void when the thrust of our intellect bends around its target.


Lately I’ve felt like I am the Page of Cups (I teared up as soon as this card appeared in my spread), learning how to balance my goblet of turbulent emotions and figuring out how to express them when challenges crop up. They’ve run the gamut from fear and grief to joy and gratitude, and there have certainly been many unexpected events and shifts recently that require my continued improvement. My creative urges (Ace of Wands) have seemed to resurface somewhat with this flood of emotion, begging to grow from those muddy waters and blossom into new (or renewed) experiences. It has certainly encouraged me to post this journal of sorts here to share with whoever might need it, especially if the lesson of allowing myself to move through emotional chaos resonates. So in combination with my previous reading’s emphasis on allowing my intuition to guide me through these emotions, I’m taking those tumultuous feelings, pouring them into creative channels, and transforming them into something new to share.

I hope that the waters of your own emotional chalice are nurturing your creative endeavors as well. May you see them with clarity and grow something new to share!

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