Intuit : Into It

Cards from Sefirot: The Spheres of Heaven Tarot by Eliot Baum, Georg Hobmeier, Viv Tanner, and James Patton of Causa Creations


October 28, 2023 hid a full Hunter’s moon behind quenching rainclouds: I couldn’t help but channel those inspiring energies as I drew another tarot spread. So far this practice seems to narrate an ongoing story reflecting my personal journey, as each spread carries the themes of its predecessors.

The Cards:

The Ace of Cups can represent the entirety or oneness of an emotional life, concentrated in a single source of potential: the abundance from which all hopes and joys — as well as their emotional shadows or reflections — flow. We may see “love’s limitless potential,” as the Sefirot guidebook suggests, held up by the Divine.

The Lovers may show us an emotional union, the spectrum of love across mind, body, and soul. This total fulfillment isn’t necessarily limited to romantic love, but can encompass any complementary forces of harmony. There is multiplicity in this otherwise singular, unconditional union of “blissful harmony.”

The Queen of Wands might be a “master of intuition” who calmly wields the intricate knowledge of their own perceptions at the ready – to be boldly put into action, if need be. They are receptive, but not passive: a dynamic ruler with an imposing but irresistible charm, the gut feeling that cannot be ignored.


I initially settled on a message of harmony in the union of these complementary forces: emotional abundance in tandem with creative, actionable intuition.

The day’s atmospheric environment drew me to some other comparisons: the abundance of the full moon in relation to the fullness of the Ace of Cups; the latter overflowing much like the rainstorm’s clouds above; the full moon’s associations with creativity (wands), emotion (cups), and relationships (The Lovers).

I also sought to better define “intuition” as it relates to the Queen of Wands: the direct perception of truth independent of rational reasoning (which I would reserve for the suit of Swords); keen perception, a gut feeling more complementary to emotional intelligence than logic.

I arrived, then, at a suggestion of sorts: let us allow the limitless potential of our emotion or love to join with its complementary force of actionable intuition in order to illuminate some (blissful) harmony.

Not bad as is! But I also wanted to listen more closely to the cards and put my logical interpretations aside (as the Queen suggests) to ask myself, “How does this spread make me feel?”

In the Ace of Cups, I sense the overflowing well of my own deep emotion. The Lovers shows me the safety, protection, and mutual support of those with whom I am in harmony. The Queen of Wands reveals my seat of intuition, the self-assuredness that I am confident in my emotional intelligence.

My more personal take-away: I am confident that my intuition will guide me to a harmonious union with the deep well of emotions inside myself, especially with the support of my loved ones.

This spread is doubly illuminating following the previous week’s draw, which you can see in my previous post: I took The Devil, the Three of Cups, and the Two of Pentacles as a reminder of the importance of knowing how to access cathartic grief and allowing it to illustrate the necessity of balancing complex emotions that are rooted in lived experiences. If I continue to trust my intuition, I’m sure it’ll be easier to arrive at that balance and harmony.

I hope that you’re all navigating your own journeys well, that the full moon was enlightening for you, and that the waning energies of Samhain / Halloween / Day of the Dead continue to give you pause to reflect and remember as autumn descends.

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